2022 Equip Class

Apologetics and Culture

Let's answer some of the most difficult questions surrounding Christianity.

This spring we are excited to add an extra learning opportunity for GFC!

How do we defend our faith and live in a world that does not consider our values while also living at peace and speaking truth? Over a 6 week course we will seek to strengthen our faith while also thinking critically about some deep cultural issues from a Biblical perspective.

Equip classes dig a little deeper into a Biblical topic and give an opportunity to study together beyond our Sunday morning and life group environments.

We are kicking off our very first Equip class on Sunday, February 20th! This 6 week course will cover some apologetic topics and challenge you to process some difficult cultural topics through the lens of scripture. What topics will we cover?

  • Is Christianity logical?
  • Why can we trust the Bible?
  • Can Science and Christianity work together?
  • What does it mean to be Pro-life?
  • What is a Biblical response to racial justice and CRT?
  • How to love people and stand for truth?

Each class will take place following our 10am worship experience. We will aim to meet from 11:30am -12:30pm.

We will need to skip one week (Feb 27th) so the class will run from February 20th - April 3rd. Childcare is not provided but we are hoping to live-stream or record each session.

Please register below and let us know you are planning to attend!

Register below!