Small Groups

Church rows should lead to family circles.

A Place to Belong.

We believe that Small Groups are essential to living Jesus-centered lives. Groups help move us from rows to circles as we connect, encourage, and grow together. They help create an environment where we can build relationships that encourage and challenge each of us as we put our faith into practice each and every day.

Connect – Small Groups are a great place to connect with others. We have several Small Groups that meet in homes or at church on different days of the week to allow everyone the opportunity to connect with the right group for you.

Encourage – Small Groups are not meant to just meet new people. They are designed to help each of us to develop deep relationships that cause us to grow in our faith and love of Jesus. Groups create an environment for encouragement, challenge, care, prayer, and accountability.

Grow – Ultimately our relationships with others should help promote mutual growth in our relationships with Jesus. Groups provide time for prayer and Bible study in hopes to deepen our understanding, commitment, and love for Jesus. As we grow we continue to become equipped to help others live Jesus centered lives.

Hebrews 10:24-25 - Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

Small groups typically run September - May, meeting every other week and having a break for the holiday season. If you would like to join a group mid-session that may be a possibility based on group sizes and availability. Please reach out to make us aware of your desire to join a group and we will do our best to find one for you!

Small Groups 2024-2025

If you would like to join a group please fill out the registration form below. Indicate which group you would like to join and we will work with you and the group leader to make this a reality. However, sometimes groups do reach capacity based on space and time. If this is the case for the group you choose, we will work with you to find another group that fits your needs!

Murphy Group

When: Friday nights - Starting Sept 20th

Location: Starting in Bowmansville but we might move to GFC when the weather is colder.

Demographic: All are welcome, young kids present.

Study Topic: 1st Corinthians

Smoker Group

When: Wednesday nights - Starting Sept 25th

Location: New Holland

Demographic: Mixed

Study Topic: Undistracted by Bob Goff.

Diem Group

When: Monday nights - Starting Sept 9th

Location: GFC fellowship hall

Demographic: Mixed

Study Topic: Luke & Acts

Newswanger Group

When: Monday nights - Starting Sept 23rd

Location: New Holland

Demographic: Mixed

Study Topic: Words of Wisdom for Everyday Life (Proverbs)

Krug Group

When: Sunday nights - Starting Sept 22nd

Location: Stevens

Demographic: Young Married Couples

Study Topic: The Crazy Cycle in Marriage

Mom's Group

When: The second and fourth Wednesday of each month

Location: 9:30am @ GFC

Demographic: Moms with young kids

Description: GFC Moms is a group of moms connecting to encourage & support each other with Jesus as the foundation. This is a space to share prayer requests, events, updates/life events, and to generally do life together as we are called to do in 1 Thessalonians 2:8. 

We meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 930-1130am and here’s the link to join our Facebook group:

Request to join a group!


If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Cory -